ARRI PL mount.

The Iron Glass MKII Soviet lenses bring the legendary look of vintage Soviet glass into the modern filmmaking era.

Rehoused for consistent and reliable operation on set, these lenses retain the character of classic Soviet optics while enhancing usability.

To add even more character, our Iron Glass MKII set features the oval iris option to provide bokeh reminiscent of anamorphic lenses.

This is an element within the optical stack with a static oval shape, meaning the full effect is available when shooting wide open. When stopping down to around T8, the effect is not visible and bokeh returns to a more traditional round shape.

This is currently a six lens set but we are awaiting the arrival of an additional 50mm T2.1 Helios 77M-4 lens to make this a seven lens set (expected later 2025).

Iron Glass MKII Soviet Set (6)

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Iron Glass

Lens Mount


Sensor Coverage

Super 35mm
Full Frame 35mm
Super 35mm+

Front Diameter


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