The Mercury series is a family of 1.5X, full frame anamorphic lenses with deliberate character. They improve the usability of anamorphic lenses on a range of cameras with their smaller size, reduced close focus, and large format coverage.

This A set has 36mm, 42mm and 72mm focal lengths - all T2.2 max aperture and they are PL mount.

The 1.5X squeeze works well with both 4:3 sensors found in high end cameras like the more recent ARRI Alexas (giving a 2:1 aspect desqueeze) and the more common 16:9 sensors found in cheaper cameras (giving a 2.6:1 aspect desqueeze).

Atlas Mercury Group I Set (3)

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Lens Mount


Sensor Coverage

Super 35mm
Full Frame 35mm
Super 35mm+

Front Diameter


Lens Type

1.5x Anamorphic

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